Cross Country
Our Year 2 Cross Country Runners
On Wednesday 11th September, some of the Year 2 children went to Towneley Park to compete in the cross country running event.
We were very excited and going to give it our best shot. The girl’s race was first and we went to the start line together. There were a lot of girls in our race but we all ran our fastest and finished the race with Poppy finishing a fantastic 13th place out of 80 girls.
Next it was the boys turn to race. Again there were a lot of boys at the start line but Blue and Fergus were very determined and sprinted around the track. After a very successful run, both boys were amazing with Fergus finishing in 6th place and Blue in 8th place.
Well done to all the children who took part and to Reuben for his encouragement during the races. You did our school proud.
Thank you to the parents for your help with transport and for your support.