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St Joseph's Park Hill School

St Joseph's

Park Hill School and Pre-school

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Stars of the Week

21st January 2019

Pre-school  - Lydia for showing kindness to others and having lovely manners

Reception - Florence for working so hard! Listening well and getting very good at writing sentences

Year 1 -  Poppy for always offering help to others in class

Year 2 - Florence for being very kind and helping everybody when they are stuck with their work

Year 3 -George being kind to everyone, working hard, letting everyone join in his games, being respectful to teachers

Year 4 - Safwan for being a brilliant, thoughtful and funny friend

Year 5 - Luke for always being kind , working hard, showing friendship to anyone and being an extremely good friend

Year 6 - Noah for helping others when they are stuck with their work and for working hard