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St Joseph's Park Hill School

St Joseph's

Park Hill School and Pre-school

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Year 6 Sports Crew Training

On the 22nd of January 2019, Year 6 attended a sports crew training session with Mrs Hands from Blessed Trinity High School. This was a great opportunity to improve our sports crew skills with the Years 1 and 2 and learn new activities.


In groups we created our own games that were simple and fun to play. We also thought about how we could improve the Fundamental Movement Skills of the children in Year 1 and 2.  After 10 minutes of thinking, Miss Grillo brought Year 1 and 2 into the hall to experience the activities that each group had come up with. It was a great success and all the children loved the games, especially George's, Abdul's and Lucas'. Miss Grillo thought we did so well that she fit some of the games into the sports crew timetable for us to do each week on the infant yard. We all tried our hardest and are looking forward to another session with her. We thank Mrs Hands for coming in and teaching us the values of a good sports crew team.