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St Joseph's Park Hill School

St Joseph's

Park Hill School and Pre-school

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Anti-bullying Week

Hello and welcome back to my blog for this fortnight.

Last week, we had our remembrance assembly led by year 6. The standard bearer came with his flag and walked up the aisle whilst the last post was performed beautifully by Fergus and Aayat, our brass players. It was a very solemn assembly that touched our hearts and all the children responded with maturity. It was quite a memorable moment.


In our music lesson this week we have started creating our own pieces of music.  We were sorted into three groups and started compiling our pieces using different instruments. Music is known to have many benefits including improving mood and reducing anxiety. I am playing the drums and hope to create an upbeat tune. We will be sharing them with the other groups in a few months. I can’t wait to share my music and see what my peers have composed.


 I recently started Tag-Rugby after school. I was apprehensive at first as I thought it would involve a lot of contact. I was pleasantly surprised because it was highly structured and is actually a minimal-contact sport. Phew! We met Coach Simon on the field and collected our tags. Each player wears shorts with two tags.  Attacking players attempt to dodge, evade and pass while defenders attempt to prevent them from scoring by “tagging” (pulling a tag from the ball carrier). I had so much fun and even managed to get player of the week despite it being my first time. I highly recommend it.


It was the anti-bullying week in school and we had a range of P.S.H.E lessons relating to this. In our class, we focused on ‘cyberbullying’ which relates to the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. We discussed a variety of scenarios and reflected on how we would respond to them if they happened in real life. I am so glad that we were able to do this because statistics show one in five children aged between ten and fifteen have some experience of cyberbullying in the UK.


We had fun creating memories with our Seeds this week. We enjoyed some dance and music as it was too wet to go outside. I was confident that the Gardeners could share some moves and inspire the seeds but it turned out the seeds needed no inspiration and were very confident in their ability to bust some moves. Photos of this memorable moment can be seen on the school’s Facebook page.


Being in year 6, there is quite often talk about high school. Although it is exciting, change can also feel daunting. This week we were lucky enough to have a visit from Abu Bakr from the previous year 6. He reflected on his experiences in high school with some Q & A. It was very reassuring and I feel excited about the next chapter.


Father Malakou came from Ethiopia and spoke to us about the importance of charity. I am a Muslim and charity is also a huge part of my faith. We are having a cake sale to raise funds to help with the building of a school for the poor. I look forward to buying the cakes I have helped bake over the weekend to support an amazing cause.


Fact: If anyone in the Thai police force breaks the law, they are forced to wear a Hello Kitty armband!


See you next fortnight!